
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Week 8

Last week was my final week of work before moving back to Florida. I was sad to say goodbye to everyone but was too happy to be seeing my mom and fiance at the end of the week. Of course the week my mom was flying in Syracuse had their first major snow storm.

Nice snow shelf building on my car

Royce was enjoying the flurries
The shoveled walkway up to my house

Snow angels with Mom

Enjoying our time in the snow
2 Month Mark!
My funnniest pregnancy moment so far: I've had terrible baby brain. My memory is good for nothing.
Foods I can't get enough of: Buttered noodles
Strangest food I've been craving: I haven't had cravings I've been so sick
Foods I can't stand: hotdogs
Smells that make me sick: The mix of food smells in the fridge
Highlight of my first trimester: Seeing my baby's heartbeat
Low points of my first trimester: Being so sick and nauseous

The says:

You can't feel it yet, but she's moving those arms and legs like crazy!

  • Her fingers and toes are now only slightly webbed, and her tail (yes, she had one) is gone.

  • Fun fact: your baby's taste buds are now forming.

  • Friday, December 21, 2012

    Week 7

    The never ending nauea parade is still marching through my stomach. I haven't been able to eating anything but buttered noodles and cereal. I bought prenatal gummy vitamins because the thought of swallowing a pill causes my horn section to start tuning up.

    I had my first REAL OB appointment this week. They did a bunch of tests and asked a ton of questions. I didn't particularly enjoy myself... The doctor was rushed and a little cold. I felt like I was at one of those 10 Minute Oil Changes. I did get to see baby-saurus again! The ultrasound picture wasn't as good as the one but I would take any chance to see my baby's heartbeat.

    I've already started noticing my stomach starting to stick out a little further than before... Just a hint of baby in there...

    I'm BEYOND exciting because my mother is coming next week for Christmas and then Keagan comes a few days after that to help bring me back to Florida!

    The says:

  • She's generating about one hundred new brain cells each minute!

  • Not only is her brain becoming more complex, but her heart is too.

  • Also important: She's developing a permanent set of kidneys

  • Her arm and leg joints are now forming.

  • Tuesday, December 11, 2012

    Never a dull moment

    After a weekend of nausea, vomitting, and napping I headed in to work on Monday to tell my job the new exciting news and to let them know that I was planning on moving back to Florida. About 2 hours into my day I get a phone call from the doctor's office letting me know that my blood test results were in and that my hormone levels were very high. The nurse explained the high level of hormones were probably the reason I'd been so sick. She also explained that I would have to go back in for ANOTHER ultrasound. High hormone levels can mean several things: multiple babies, ectopic pregnancy, or signs of a miscarriage... I was praying that the high hormone levels were just a fluke...

    On Tuesday, I woke up early and headed to the specialist ultrasound office. I love being able to see my little nugget twice in less then a week. I also got to see its heart beat on the monitor.

    The specialist told me that everything looks great and that there's only ONE baby in there... PHEW!!I had another round of blood testing and my hormone levels came back normal.

    From the bottom photo we thought it looked like a dinosaur. Thus the nickname baby-saurus was born.

    Friday, December 7, 2012

    A Little Scare

    We had a little scare today. While I was at work today I noticed some spotting. I immediately called my OB/GYN and let them know what was going on. They told me to come in immediately and make sure everything was alright.

    When I got to the office they took me into the back and got me set up on an ultrasound machine. After a few moments of searching and held breath I got to see the first glimpse of our baby...

    That little speck at the bottom of that black oval is our baby! Holding on tight!! I also discovered that we were 5 weeks pregnant.
    After the ultrasound, the doctor sent me over to have my blood drawn to make sure everything was really alright.
    It was so exciting to see there was actually something inside me! I can't believe something so small can be making be making me so sick! I haven't been able to eat anything. I'm sticking to buttered noodles and white cheddar popcorn.

    Monday, December 3, 2012

    Quite the Surprise!

    Last week was Thanksgiving and, unfortunately, due to snowy upstate New York weather and a lack of funds I was unable to visit any of my family members. Royce and I spent the day watching the parade on TV, romping in the snow, and eating turkey sandwiches. Looking around at my family-empty apartment it was then I realized "I need to go home (Florida)". I called my mom tears streaming down my face and told her that I needed to move home and the sooner the better. She agreed and we decided that I would move home at the beginning of 2013.

    As soon as we hung up the phone I felt sick to my stomach. I had exactly a month to pack up my life in Syracuse, NY and schlep all of my stuff back to the Sunshine State. I called my fiance, Keagan, and told him what my new plan was and he agreed to come up the weekend before New Years and help me move home.

    For the next several days the sick feeling in my stomach never eased up. I was certain the limited time span I'd given myself to pack and move was stressing me out and causing me to have a bout of IBS. After work on Monday, December 3rd, I headed to the corner Rite Aid and purchased Zantac 75 for my new stomach issues. On my way to the register something else registered and I grabbed a home pregnancy test.

    Well, surprise, surprise... Looks like I won't be needing that Zantac 75 after all...